Anvil Hotel
Jackson, WY
Building Design, Branding & Identity, Interior Design
Renovation: 50 Room Hotel, Restaurant & Bar (Glorietta), Lobby & Mercantile
Architect: Farmer Payne Architects
Contractor: Shaw Wyoming
Collaborators: Allied Maker, Charles P. Rogers, Fern, HedgeHouse, Mikael Kennedy, Tretiak Works, Waterworks, Woolrich
Photographers: Read McKendree, Mikael Kennedy, Tuck Fauntelroy
Designer: Studio Tack
The newly renovated Anvil hotel breathes new life into a gateway corner of the town of Jackson. Its alpine sensibility brings a welcomed regional approach to design that is fitting of the rugged terrain and sensitive to the history of the Teton County.The Anvil suggest Western utilitarianism while also maintaining a subtle insistence that even cowgirls get the blues and might want a perfectly appointed shower.
Chiefly comforting is the friendly atmosphere, which seems to echo the warmth of the new design. It’s casual but thoughtful and strikes a chord with locals and guests - a balance that gives a place that “at home” feeling. The lobby, an inventive hybrid of general store and check-in area, is a welcomed asset to out-of-towners and locals.